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 作者:ellry打开ellry的博客  人气: 4716  发表于: 02年02月02日17点31分
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参见MWA官方网站(http://www.mysterywriters.org/),因为是表格格式的,我没有费心去弄,可能不很清楚,参见MWA官方网站(http://www.mysterywriters.org/)。今年的提名者(Nominees)里有位中国人裘小龙(作品Death of a Red Heroine)入选最佳处女作。

最佳小说Best Novel
The Bottoms Joe R. Lansdale (Mysterious Press)
A Place of Execution Val McDermid (St. Martin's Minotaur)
A Dangerous Road Kris Nelscott (St. Martin's Minotaur)
Red Light T. Jefferson Parker (Hyperion)
The Whole Truth Nancy Pickard (Pocket Books)

最佳美国作家处女作Best First Novel by an American Author
A Conspiracy of Paper David Liss (Random House)
The Ice Harvest Scott Phillips (Ballantine Books)
Death of a Red Heroine Qiu Xiaolong (Soho Press)
Crow in Stolen Colors Marcia Simpson (Poisoned Pen Press, Berkley Prime Crime)
Raveling Peter Moore Smith (Little, Brown)

最佳平装原本Best Paperback Original
The Black Maria Mark Graham (Avon)
Murder on St. Mark's Place Victoria Thompson (Berkley)
Killing Kin Chassie West (Avon)
The Kidnapping of Rosie Dawn Eric Wright (Perseverance Press/John Daniel & Co.)
Pursuit and Persuasion Sally S. Wright (Multnomah)

最佳真实犯罪Best Fact Crime
Black Mass: The Irish Mob, the FBI, and a Devil's Deal Dick Lehr & Gerard O'Neill (Public Affairs/Perseus Books)
The Seekers: A Bounty Hunter's Story Joshua Armstrong & Anthony Bruno (Harper Collins)
Portraits of Guilt: The Woman Who Profiles the Faces of America's Deadliest Criminals Jeanne Boylan (Pocket Books/Simon & Schuster)
Author Unknown: On the Trail of Anonymous Don Foster (Henry Holt)
Moonlight: Abraham Lincoln and the Almanac Trial John Evangelist Walsh (St. Martin's Press)

最佳评论/传记Best Critical/Biographical Work
Conundrums for the Long Week-End: England, Dorothy L. Sayers, and Lord Peter Wimsey Robert Kuhn McGregor with Ethan Lewis (The Kent State University Press)
The Doctor and the Detective: A Biography of Sir Arthur Conan Doyle Martin Booth (Thomas Dunne Books/St. Martin's Minotaur)
Women of Mystery: The Lives and Works of Notable Women Crime Novelists Martha Hailey Dubose with additional essays by Margaret Caldwell Thomas (Thomas Dunne Books/St. Martin's Minotaur)
The Red-Hot Typewriter: The Life and Times of John D. MacDonald Hugh Merrill (Thomas Dunne Books/St. Martin's Minotaur)

最佳短篇Best Short Story
"Missing in Action" Peter Robinson (EQMM, November 2000)
"Delta Double-Deal" Noreen Ayres (The Night Awakens, MWA anthology edited by Mary Higgins Clark)
"A Candle for Christmas" Reginald Hill (EQMM, January 2000)
"Twelve of the Little Buggers" Mat Coward (EQMM, January 2000)
"Spinning" Kristine Kathryn Rusch (EQMM, July 2000)

最佳青少年读物Best Young Adult
Counterfeit Son Elaine Marie Alphin (Harcourt Inc.)
Silent to the Bone E.L. Konigsberg (Atheneum Books for Young Readers)
The Body of Christopher Creed Carol Plum-Ucci (Harcourt Inc.)
Locked Inside Nancy Werlin (Delacorte Press)

最佳儿童读物Best Children's
Dovey Coe Frances O'Roark Dowell (Atheneum)
Trouble at Fort La Pointe Kathleen Ernst (American Girl)
Sammy Keyes and the Curse of Mustache Mary Wendelin Van Draanen (Knopf)
Walking to the Bus Rider Blues Harriette Gillem Robinet (Atheneum)
Ghosts in the Gallery Barbara Brooks Wallace (Atheneum)

最佳电视剧情Best Television Episode
Law & Order: SVU: "Limitations" Michael R. Perry (NBC)
Law & Order: SVU: "Remorse" Michael R. Perry (NBC)
Law & Order: "Black, White and Blue" Lynne Litt, Richard Sweren, and Matt Witten (NBC)
Law & Order: "Endurance" Matt Witten (NBC)

最佳电视片长篇/迷你系列Best Television Feature / Mini-series
Dalziel & Pascoe: On Beulah Height Michael Chaplin (based on the novel by Reginald Hill; A&E)
Murder Rooms: The Dark Origins of Sherlock Holmes David Pirie (PBS/Mystery!)
One Kill Shelley Evans (Showtime)
Touching Evil, Series Two, Episodes 1 and 2 Mike Cullen (PBS/Mystery!)
Trial by Fire Trevor R. Bowen (based on the novel by Frances Fyfield: PBS/Mystery!)

最佳电影Best Mystery Motion Picture
Traffic Screenplay by Stephen Gaghan, based on the original miniseries Traffik by Simon Moore
Erin Brockovich Screenplay by Susannah Grant
Croupier Screenplay by Paul Mayersberg
Nurse Betty Screenplay by John C. Richards; story, John Richards and James Flamberg
Under Suspicion Screenplay by Tom Provost and W. Peter Iliff (based on the novel Brainwash by John Wainwright and the screenplay Garde ?Vue by Claude Miller and Jean Herman)

最佳剧本Best Play

大师奖Grand Master
Edward D. Hoch

埃勒里·奎因奖Ellery Queen Award
to honor writing teams and outstanding people in the mystery publishing industry
Douglas Greene, Crippen & Landru

Robert L Fish Award
for the best first short story by an American author "The Witch and the Relic Thief" by M.J. Jones (AHMM, October 2000)

for outstanding achievement in the mystery field outside the realm of creative writing Barbara Peters, The Poisoned Pen
Tom and Enid Schanz, The Rue Morgue

Mary Higgins Clark Award
for the book written most closely in the Mary Higgins Clark tradition (prize to be presented at the Agents and Editors Party, May 2)

Authorized Personnel Only Barbara D'Amato (Forge)
Demolition Angel Robert Crais (Doubleday)
The Debt Collector Lynn Hightower (Delacorte Press)
False Witness Lelia Kelly (Kensington)
Plain Truth Jodi Picoult (Pocket Books)

爱德加特别奖Special Edgar Award
Mildred Wirt Benson
The original "Carolyn Keene"
author of the Nancy Drew mystery series
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  • HiStory』于2002-2-2 17:31:00发表评论:

  • 最佳小说Best Novel
    乔.波特姆斯 R. Lansdale (Mysterious Press)
    被压缩的价值 McDermid (St. Martin's Minotaur)
    危险之路 Kris Nelscott (St. Martin's Minotaur)
    红灯 T. Jefferson Parker (Hyperion)
    真相大白 Nancy Pickard (Pocket Books)

    最佳美国作家处女作Best First Novel by an American Author
    纸上阴谋 David Liss (Random House)
    冰的结果 Scott Phillips (Ballantine Books)
    女英雄之死 Qiu Xiaolong (Soho Press)
    偷画的黑人 Marcia Simpson (Poisoned Pen Press, Berkley Prime Crime)
    混乱的彼得 Moore Smith (Little, Brown)

    最佳平装原本Best Paperback Original
    黑玛莉 Mark Graham (Avon)
    Mark's Place大街的谋杀 Victoria Thompson (Berkley)
    杀了亲人 Chassie West (Avon)
    罗丝.多恩绑架案 Eric Wright (Perseverance Press/John Daniel & Co.)
    追上萨利,说服他 S. Wright (Multnomah)

    最佳真实犯罪Best Fact Crime
    黑暗弥撒: The Irish Mob, the FBI, and a Devil's Deal Dick Lehr & Gerard O'Neill (Public Affairs/Perseus Books)
    搜索者: A Bounty Hunter's Story Joshua Armstrong & Anthony Bruno (Harper Collins)
    犯罪现场重现: The Woman Who Profiles the Faces of America's Deadliest Criminals Jeanne Boylan (Pocket Books/Simon & Schuster)
    作者未知: On the Trail of Anonymous Don Foster (Henry Holt)
    月光: Abraham Lincoln and the Almanac Trial John Evangelist Walsh (St. Martin's Press)

    最佳评论/传记Best Critical/Biographical Work
    一星期里的迷—完结: England, Dorothy L. Sayers, and Lord Peter Wimsey Robert Kuhn McGregor with Ethan Lewis (The Kent State University Press)
    医生和侦探: A Biography of Sir Arthur Conan Doyle Martin Booth (Thomas Dunne Books/St. Martin's Minotaur)
    神秘女人: The Lives and Works of Notable Women Crime Novelists Martha Hailey Dubose with additional essays by Margaret Caldwell Thomas (Thomas Dunne Books/St. Martin's Minotaur)
    发烫的打字机: The Life and Times of John D. MacDonald Hugh Merrill (Thomas Dunne Books/St. Martin's Minotaur)

    最佳短篇Best Short Story
    "错失良机" Peter Robinson (EQMM, November 2000)
    "三人平分" Noreen Ayres (The Night Awakens, MWA anthology edited by Mary Higgins Clark)
    "圣诞蜡烛" Reginald Hill (EQMM, January 2000)
    "十二个小乞丐" Mat Coward (EQMM, January 2000)
    "纺织" Kristine Kathryn Rusch (EQMM, July 2000)

    最佳青少年读物Best Young Adult
    假冒儿子 Marie Alphin (Harcourt Inc.)
    寂静 E.L. Konigsberg (Atheneum Books for Young Readers)
    克里斯朵夫.克瑞德的身体 Carol Plum-Ucci (Harcourt Inc.)
    从里面上锁 Nancy Werlin (Delacorte Press)

    最佳儿童读物Best Children's
    乔.富兰克.多弗尔 O'Roark Dowell (Atheneum)
    福特.LA.波特的麻烦 Kathleen Ernst (American Girl)
    萨米.凯斯 和 被诅咒的胡子玛莉 Wendelin Van Draanen (Knopf)
    去找汽车司机布鲁斯.海瑞特 Gillem Robinet (Atheneum)
    芭芭拉.凯瑞丝的鬼魂 Brooks Wallace (Atheneum)

    最佳电视剧情Best Television Episode
    Law & Order: SVU: "限制" Michael R. Perry (NBC)
    Law & Order: SVU: "后悔" Michael R. Perry (NBC)
    Law & Order: "蓝黑白" Lynne Litt, Richard Sweren, and Matt Witten (NBC)
    Law & Order: "耐心" Matt Witten (NBC)

    最佳电视片长篇/迷你系列Best Television Feature / Mini-series
    Dalziel & Pascoe: 迈克.卓别林在以色列的山上 (based on the novel by Reginald Hill; A&E)
    Murder Rooms: 福尔摩斯的坏念头 David Pirie (PBS/Mystery!)
    杀一人 Shelley Evans (Showtime)
    接触恶魔, 系列之二, Episodes 1 and 2 Mike Cullen (PBS/Mystery!)
    试火 Trevor R. Bowen (based on the novel by Frances Fyfield: PBS/Mystery!)

    最佳电影Best Mystery Motion Picture
    交通事故 by Stephen Gaghan, 以一起真实的交通事故为原型 by Simon Moore
    爱尔兰杂种 by Susannah Grant
    主持人 by Paul Mayersberg
    护士贝蒂 by John C. Richards; story, John Richards and James Flamberg
    被怀疑的人 by Tom Provost and W. Peter Iliff (based on the novel Brainwash by John Wainwright and the screenplay Garde ?Vue by Claude Miller and Jean Herman)

    最佳剧本Best Play

    大师奖Grand Master
    Edward D. Hoch

    埃勒里·奎因奖Ellery Queen Award
    Douglas Greene, Crippen & Landru

    Robert L 鼓励奖
    第一篇短篇小说"巫婆和小偷的残骸" by M.J. Jones (AHMM, October 2000)

    给在神秘作品领域有杰出贡献的Barbara Peters, 有毒的钢笔
    Tom and Enid Schanz, 骄傲与懊悔

    Mary Higgins Clark 奖
    最接近Mary Higgins Clark tradition 风格的作品 (prize to be presented at the Agents and Editors Party, May 2)

    评委只有Barbara D'Amato (Forge)
    毁灭天使 Robert Crais (Doubleday)
    讨债人 Lynn Hightower (Delacorte Press)
    错误见证 Lelia Kelly (Kensington)
    平面事实 Jodi Picoult (Pocket Books)

    爱德加特别奖Special Edgar Award
    Mildred Wirt Benson
    原创 "卡罗尔.凯"

  • 木也』于2002-2-2 15:28:00发表评论:

  • 【ellry在大作中谈到:】

    >参见MWA官方网站(http://www.mysterywriters.org/),因为是表格格式的,我没有费心去弄,可能不很清楚,参见MWA官方网站(http://www.mysterywriters.org/)。今年的提名者(Nominees)里有位中国人裘小龙(作品Death of a Red Heroine)入选最佳处女作。

    >最佳小说Best Novel
    >The Bottoms Joe R. Lansdale (Mysterious Press)
    >A Place of Execution Val McDermid (St. Martin's Minotaur)
    >A Dangerous Road Kris Nelscott (St. Martin's Minotaur)
    >Red Light T. Jefferson Parker (Hyperion)
    >The Whole Truth Nancy Pickard (Pocket Books)

    >最佳美国作家处女作Best First Novel by an American Author
    >A Conspiracy of Paper David Liss (Random House)
    >The Ice Harvest Scott Phillips (Ballantine Books)
    >Death of a Red Heroine Qiu Xiaolong (Soho Press)
    >Crow in Stolen Colors Marcia Simpson (Poisoned Pen Press, Berkley Prime Crime)
    >Raveling Peter Moore Smith (Little, Brown)

    >最佳平装原本Best Paperback Original
    >The Black Maria Mark Graham (Avon)
    >Murder on St. Mark's Place Victoria Thompson (Berkley)
    >Killing Kin Chassie West (Avon)
    >The Kidnapping of Rosie Dawn Eric Wright (Perseverance Press/John Daniel & Co.)
    >Pursuit and Persuasion Sally S. Wright (Multnomah)

    >最佳真实犯罪Best Fact Crime
    >Black Mass: The Irish Mob, the FBI, and a Devil's Deal Dick Lehr & Gerard O'Neill (Public Affairs/Perseus Books)
    >The Seekers: A Bounty Hunter's Story Joshua Armstrong & Anthony Bruno (Harper Collins)
    >Portraits of Guilt: The Woman Who Profiles the Faces of America's Deadliest Criminals Jeanne Boylan (Pocket Books/Simon & Schuster)
    >Author Unknown: On the Trail of Anonymous Don Foster (Henry Holt)
    >Moonlight: Abraham Lincoln and the Almanac Trial John Evangelist Walsh (St. Martin's Press)

    >最佳评论/传记Best Critical/Biographical Work
    >Conundrums for the Long Week-End: England, Dorothy L. Sayers, and Lord Peter Wimsey Robert Kuhn McGregor with Ethan Lewis (The Kent State University Press)
    >The Doctor and the Detective: A Biography of Sir Arthur Conan Doyle Martin Booth (Thomas Dunne Books/St. Martin's Minotaur)
    >Women of Mystery: The Lives and Works of Notable Women Crime Novelists Martha Hailey Dubose with additional essays by Margaret Caldwell Thomas (Thomas Dunne Books/St. Martin's Minotaur)
    >The Red-Hot Typewriter: The Life and Times of John D. MacDonald Hugh Merrill (Thomas Dunne Books/St. Martin's Minotaur)

    >最佳短篇Best Short Story
    >"Missing in Action" Peter Robinson (EQMM, November 2000)
    >"Delta Double-Deal" Noreen Ayres (The Night Awakens, MWA anthology edited by Mary Higgins Clark)
    >"A Candle for Christmas" Reginald Hill (EQMM, January 2000)
    >"Twelve of the Little Buggers" Mat Coward (EQMM, January 2000)
    >"Spinning" Kristine Kathryn Rusch (EQMM, July 2000)

    >最佳青少年读物Best Young Adult
    >Counterfeit Son Elaine Marie Alphin (Harcourt Inc.)
    >Silent to the Bone E.L. Konigsberg (Atheneum Books for Young Readers)
    >The Body of Christopher Creed Carol Plum-Ucci (Harcourt Inc.)
    >Locked Inside Nancy Werlin (Delacorte Press)

    >最佳儿童读物Best Children's
    >Dovey Coe Frances O'Roark Dowell (Atheneum)
    >Trouble at Fort La Pointe Kathleen Ernst (American Girl)
    >Sammy Keyes and the Curse of Mustache Mary Wendelin Van Draanen (Knopf)
    >Walking to the Bus Rider Blues Harriette Gillem Robinet (Atheneum)
    >Ghosts in the Gallery Barbara Brooks Wallace (Atheneum)

    >最佳电视剧情Best Television Episode
    >Law & Order: SVU: "Limitations" Michael R. Perry (NBC)
    >Law & Order: SVU: "Remorse" Michael R. Perry (NBC)
    >Law & Order: "Black, White and Blue" Lynne Litt, Richard Sweren, and Matt Witten (NBC)
    >Law & Order: "Endurance" Matt Witten (NBC)

    >最佳电视片长篇/迷你系列Best Television Feature / Mini-series
    >Dalziel & Pascoe: On Beulah Height Michael Chaplin (based on the novel by Reginald Hill; A&E)
    >Murder Rooms: The Dark Origins of Sherlock Holmes David Pirie (PBS/Mystery!)
    >One Kill Shelley Evans (Showtime)
    >Touching Evil, Series Two, Episodes 1 and 2 Mike Cullen (PBS/Mystery!)
    >Trial by Fire Trevor R. Bowen (based on the novel by Frances Fyfield: PBS/Mystery!)

    >最佳电影Best Mystery Motion Picture
    >Traffic Screenplay by Stephen Gaghan, based on the original miniseries Traffik by Simon Moore
    >Erin Brockovich Screenplay by Susannah Grant
    >Croupier Screenplay by Paul Mayersberg
    >Nurse Betty Screenplay by John C. Richards; story, John Richards and James Flamberg
    >Under Suspicion Screenplay by Tom Provost and W. Peter Iliff (based on the novel Brainwash by John Wainwright and the screenplay Garde ?Vue by Claude Miller and Jean Herman)

    >最佳剧本Best Play

    >大师奖Grand Master
    > Edward D. Hoch

    >埃勒里·奎因奖Ellery Queen Award
    >to honor writing teams and outstanding people in the mystery publishing industry
    > Douglas Greene, Crippen & Landru

    >Robert L Fish Award
    >for the best first short story by an American author "The Witch and the Relic Thief" by M.J. Jones (AHMM, October 2000)

    >for outstanding achievement in the mystery field outside the realm of creative writing Barbara Peters, The Poisoned Pen
    >Tom and Enid Schanz, The Rue Morgue

    >Mary Higgins Clark Award
    >for the book written most closely in the Mary Higgins Clark tradition (prize to be presented at the Agents and Editors Party, May 2)

    >Authorized Personnel Only Barbara D'Amato (Forge)
    >Demolition Angel Robert Crais (Doubleday)
    >The Debt Collector Lynn Hightower (Delacorte Press)
    >False Witness Lelia Kelly (Kensington)
    >Plain Truth Jodi Picoult (Pocket Books)

    >爱德加特别奖Special Edgar Award
    > Mildred Wirt Benson
    >The original "Carolyn Keene"
    >author of the Nancy Drew mystery series

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