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同义词:Elizabeth Peters、芭芭拉·莫茨、Barbara Mertz、芭芭拉·迈克尔斯、Barbara Michaels、芭芭拉·莫兹

  伊丽莎白·彼得斯(Elizabeth Peters),原名芭芭拉·莫茨(Barbara Mertz,1927年9月29日-2013年8月8日),美国作家,伊丽莎白·彼得斯和芭芭拉·迈克尔斯(Barbara Michaels)是她的笔名。
阿梅利亚·皮博迪”(Amelia Peabody)系列,这个名字则是由她两个孩子的名字而来。

  1.Crocodile on the Sandbank. 1975. Covers the 1884-85 Season.
  2.The Curse of the Pharaohs. 1981. Covers the 1892-93 Season.
  3.The Mummy Case. 1985. Covers the 1894-95 Season.
  4.Lion in the Valley. 1986. Covers the 1895-96 Season.
  5.The Deeds of the Disturber. 1988. Covers Summer 1896.
  6.The Last Camel Died at Noon. 1991. Covers the 1897-98 Season.
  7.The Snake, the Crocodile, and the Dog. 1992. Covers the 1898-99 Season.
  8.The Hippopotamus Pool. 1996. Covers the 1899-1900 Season.
  9.Seeing a Large Cat. 1997. Covers the 1903-04 Season.
  10.The Ape Who Guards the Balance. 1998. Covers the 1906-07 Season.
  11.The Falcon at the Portal. 1999. Covers the 1911-12 Season.
  12.He Shall Thunder in the Sky. 2000. Covers the 1914-15 Season.
  13.Lord of the Silent. 2001. Covers the 1915-16 Season.
  14.The Golden One. 2002. Covers the 1916-17 Season.
  15.Children of the Storm. April 2003. Covers the 1919-20 Season.
  16.Guardian of the Horizon. March 2004. Covers the 1907-08 Season.
  17.The Serpent on the Crown. March 2005. Covers the 1922 Season
  18.Tomb of the Golden Bird. March 2006.
  19.A River in the Sky. April 2010.  Covers the 1909-1910 season in Palestine.

  Amelia Peabody's Egypt: A Compendium - Published October 2003

  1.Borrower of the Night (1973)《借款人之夜》(1973)
  2.Street of the Five Moons (1978)《五朔街》(1978)
  3.Silhouette in Scarlet (1983)《大红剪影》(1983)
  4.Trojan Gold (1987) 《木马金》(1987)
  5.Night Train to Memphis (1994)《通往孟菲斯的夜火车》(1994)
  6.The Laughter of Dead Kings (2008)《死去国王的笑声》(2008)

  1.The Seventh Sinner (1972)《第七罪人》 (1972)
  2.Murders of Richard III (1974)《理查德三世谋杀案》 (1974)
  3.Die for Love (1984)《为爱牺牲》(1984)
  4.Naked Once More (1989)《再次裸露》(1989)

  The Master of Blacktower-1966 《黑塔大师》-1966
  Sons of the Wolf-1967 《狼之子》-1967
  Ammie Come Home-1968 《艾米归来》-1968
  Prince of Darkness-1969 《黑暗王子》-1969
  The Dark on the Other Side-1970 《彼岸的黑暗》-1970
  The Crying Child-1971 《哭泣的孩子》-1971
  Greygallows-1972 《灰色绞刑架》-1972
  Witch-1973 《女巫》-1973
  House of Many Shadows-1974 《阴影下的房屋》-1974
  The Sea King's Daughter-1975 《海王的女儿》-1975
  Patriot's Dream-1976 《爱国者的梦》-1976
  Wings of the Falcon-1977 《猎鹰之翼》-1977
  Wait for What Will Come-1978 《即将发生什么?》-1978
  The Walker in the Shadows-1979 《阴影中的步行者》-1979
  The Wizard's Daughter-1980 《向导的女儿》-1980
  Someone in the House-1981 《房子里的人》-1981
  Black Rainbow--1982 (prequel to Someone in the House) 《黑色彩虹》-1982年(《房子里的人》之前传)
  Here I Stay-1983 《我在这》-1983
  The Grey Beginning-1984 《灰色的开始》-1984
  Be Buried in the Rain-1985 《葬在雨中》-1985
  Shattered Silk--1986 (sequel to Ammie Come Home) 《破碎的丝绸》-1986 (《艾米归来》的续集)
  Search the Shadows-1987 《追寻阴影》-1987
  Smoke and Mirrors-1989《烟雾与镜子》-1989
  Into the Darkness-1990《在黑暗中》- 1990
  Vanish with the Rose-1992 《消失的玫瑰》- 1992
  Houses of Stone-1993《石屋》-1993
  Stitches in Time--1995 (Last in the Ammie Come Home series) 《时间缝合》- 1995年(《艾米归来》系列的最后一部)
  The Dancing Floor-1997《舞池》- 1997
  Other Worlds-1999 《另一个世界》-1999

  The Jackal's Head (1968) 《豺狗的脑袋》 (1968)
  The Camelot Caper (1969) 《柯莱特把戏》(1969)
  The Dead Sea Cipher (1970)《死海密码》(1970)
  The Night of Four Hundred Rabbits (1971) 《四百只兔子之夜》(1971)
  Legend in Green Velvet (1976) 《绿绒传说》 (1976)
  Devil-May-Care (1977) 《不顾一切》(1977)
  Summer of the Dragon (1979) 《龙之夏》(1979)
  The Love Talker (1980) 《爱的畅谈者》 (1980)
  The Copenhagen Connection (1982) 《连接与哥本哈根》(1982)

  Temples, Tombs, and Hieroglyphs--1964; rev. ed. 2007  《庙宇、陵墓和象形文字》(1964编辑,2007年出版)
  Two Thousand Years in Rome (with Richard Mertz)-1968 (罗马两千年间)(与理查德·默茨合写)(1968)
  Red Land, Black Land--1978; rev. ed.2008 《红土地,黑土地》(1978-2008)

标签: 伊丽莎白·彼得斯   美国   作家   欧美  
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