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"Ellery Queen is the American detective story."-Anthony Boucher




  《Queen's Quorum》是艾勒里.昆恩从短篇小说的观点来看推理小说历史洪流的一部推理史学作品,在1951年第一次出版的时候,这本书选出了106本对推理小说发展具有重要指针的短篇推理小说集,而在1967年附有补遗篇的新版中这个数目增加成为125本,从推理小说鼻祖爱伦坡(Edgar Allan Poe) 的《Tales》(1845)开始,一直到Harry Kemelman的尼奇.威尔特教授探案《九英里的步行》(The Nine Mile Walk)(1967)为止,这本钜着清清楚楚地将推理小说发展演变的轨迹呈现在读者的眼前。以现代推理迷的角度来看,这本书虽然已经有点过时,不过仍不失为一本有用的参考书。
  另外值得一提的是,这本书向来被许多推理藏书家或古董书收集者视为『藏书宝典』,某些旧书店(多半为推理小说专卖店)甚至还有一块专区,上面就清楚地标示着「Queen's Quorum Area」,不过坦白说,要将这本书内所列125本书全部收集齐全困难度还相当高呢!


  在1942年间,艾勒里.昆恩曾经编过一本短篇小说的目录书《The Detective Short Story: A Bibliography》,这本书对1942年以前的短篇小说集做了一番精心整理,以作者姓名字母顺序逐一列出当时所有已问世的的推理短篇集,以当时的时代背景而言,这本书所费的心力及书的规模都蛮可观的,不过就今日的眼光来看,这本书可能就没那么了不起了,何况书内的资料也跟不上时代的脚步了。


  《In the Queens' Parlor, And Other Leaves From Editors' Notebook》是昆恩在1957年发表的一本随笔札记,这些札记的来源多半为EQMM的编辑手记。这本书总共收录了五十则形形色色的文章,有十分严肃讨论推理小说取名艺术的〈Anatomy of Titles〉,也有十分有趣又带点吊诡的〈The Great O-E Theory〉,综观起来,这本书很清楚地传达了昆恩对推理小说的想法及其创作的态度,读者也可以从这本书看到昆恩不一样的面貌。



  -Mystery League
  众所周知的,艾勒里.昆恩创办了『艾勒里.昆恩推理杂志』(Ellery Queen Mystery Magazine,简称EQMM),可是比较鲜为人知的是在EQMM创办之前,这对好搭档就曾办过另一份小型的推理刊物,这个名叫『Mystery League』的刊物寿命其实非常短暂,从1933年10月到1934年元月为止,只有昙花一现地在市场上出现了四个月就消失无踪了。尽管这是一本失败的刊物,还是有一些名家的作品刊登于其内,这其中包括了赛儿丝(Dorothy Sayers)、汉密特(Dashiell Hammett)及昆恩本人的作品在内。

  -EQMM(Ellery Queen Mystery Magazine)
  那么到底EQMM成功的诀窍在那儿呢?这主要是因为它有一位眼光非常独到的主编-昆恩的分身之一Frederic Dannay ,从1941年创刊到他过世这段长达四十多年的时光,这位超级主编经由办杂志的管道而发掘了不少优秀的编辑及写作人才(代表人物为Edward D. Hoch及Anthony Boucher),对于一些名不见经传的新人Dannay也很乐意提拔(最典型的例子就是写妈妈探案的James Yaffe,这位作家1943年初次在昆恩推理杂志上发表他处女作时年龄只有十五岁)。
  除此之外,另一个使EQMM攀上杂志高峰的是昆恩有奖征文(Queen Awards)的举办,这项昆恩有奖征文从1945年起至1957年为止,一共办了十三届。1945年初次征稿时总共收到了838篇稿子,连日后成为大文豪的福克纳都参加了,不过他只得了第二名而已。这项昆恩有奖征文事实上对欧美推理小说的创作有推波助澜的功效,它也连带造就了许多推理小说的生力军,这些生力军如Roy Vickers 或Stanley Ellin 等人日后更将推理小说的创作推向高峰。


  由于Frederic Dannay 本身非常喜爱收集短篇小说,所以经由他编出来的短篇推理文选数量非常可观,在这里我只简单介绍几本具指针性意义的作品,其余的请诸位参考附录。

  -Challenge to the Reader
  1938年出版的《向读者挑战》(Challenge to the Reader) 是昆恩所编的第一本选集,因为在此之前没有人做过类似尝试的推理短篇文选集,所以这本书名带有昆恩创作精髓的选集事实上是一个实验性质的产品。

  -101 Years' Entertainment
  1941年,昆恩出版了一本页数厚达995页的推理文选《101 Years' Entertainment》,这部文选在推理小说史上地位不低,在同类型的推理文选中它更是一个重要的里程碑。它为何这么引人注目?从这本书的副标题《The Great Detective Stories -1841-1941》我们可以看出些许端倪;这部文选拥有二大特色,其一是时间范围长达101年(从1841年爱伦坡的〈莫尔格街凶杀案〉开始一直选到1941年为止),而这段时间刚好涵盖了整个推理小说的历史(从当时的角度来看),就完整性而言,这部选集是第一个做到的;除了这点之外,这本书的另一个特色是作品水准十分整齐,所选的五十部作品都称得上是精品中的精品,黄金时期的重要推理作家差不多在这本书中都可以找得到。


 ◎广播剧本(Radio Plays)

  昆恩这对表兄弟对广播剧一向情有独钟,他们的梦想在1939年六月十八日终于实现,CBS在这天播出了他们所写的推理广播剧本〈The Adventure of The Gum-Chewing Millionaire〉,从这天开始,在往后的九年光景内(1939-1948),昆恩写了不少脍炙人口的广播剧本,有许多剧本甚至在改编后成为昆恩的探案了。
  值得一提的是,昆恩的推理广播剧有一个非常特殊的地方,那就是「挑战听众」(Challenge To The Listener) ,在揭开故事谜团之前,广播会中断几分钟,这段时间就是留给听众去找出真相,这个卖点事实上也曾造成一股轰动。

 ◎电影编剧(Film Screenplay)



 ◎自传体小说(Autobiographical Fiction)

  推理迷们应该都很清楚,艾勒里.昆恩这个笔名其实上是一对表兄弟的合称,这对好搭档其中之一的表弟Frederic Dannay(两人同为1905年生,但Manfred Lee稍长九个月)曾在1953年用原名Daniel Nathan写了一本自传体的小说《The Golden Summer》。这部小说描述一位十岁小朋友(其实就是Dannay本人)暑假的所见所闻,故事本身的背景设在1915年的夏天,不论从任何的角度来看,这都是一本不折不扣的作者自述。小说本身的内容趣味盎然,从其中我们也能清楚地看到Frederic Dannay 与文学(尤其是诗)的最早接触。

 ◎罪案实录(True Crime)

  无独有偶地,昆恩的另一分身Manfred Lee 也曾根据杂志提供的研究资料,在六○年代中期写了两本署名昆恩的罪案实录,书名分别为《Ellery Queen's International Case Book》(1964)及《The Woman in the Case》(1966)的这二本书在当时并未造成任何轰动,以致于后来这两本书被人提及的次数就相对减少许多。




☆Challenge to the Reader (1938)
☆101 Years' Entertainment: The Great Detective Stories 1841-1941 (1941)
☆Sporting Blood: The Great Sports Detective Stories (1942)
☆The Female of the Species: The Great Women Detectives and Criminals (1943)
☆The Misadventures of Sherlock Holmes (1944)
☆Best Stories from Ellery Queen's Mystery Magazine, Consisting of the Best Stories Published in the First Five Years of Ellery Queen's Mystery Magazine (1944)
☆Rogues' Gallery: The Great Criminals of Modern Fiction (1945)
☆To the Queen's Taste: The First Supplement to 101 Years' Entertainment (1946)
☆Murder By Experts (1947)
☆20th Century Detective Stories (1948)
☆The Literature of Crime: Stories by World-Famous Authors (1950)
☆Poetic Justice: 23 Stories of Crime, Mystery and Detection by World-Famous Poets from Geoffrey Chaucer to Dylan Thomas (1967)
☆Minimysteries: 70 Short-Short Stories of Crime, Mystery and Detection(1969)
☆Japanese Golden Dozen: The Detective Story World in Japan (1978)
☆Book of First Appearance, with Eleanor Sullivan (1982)
☆Lost Ladies, with Eleanor Sullivan (1983)
☆The Best of Ellery Queen (1983)
☆Lost Men, with Eleanor Sullivan (1983)
☆Prime Crimes, with Eleanor Sullivan (1984)
☆Memorable Characters, with Eleanor Sullivan (1984)
☆Crimes and Punishments, with Eleanor Sullivan (1984)


☆The Queen's Awards 1946 (1946)
☆The Queen's Awards 1947 (1947)
☆The Queen's Awards 1948 (1948)
☆The Queen's Awards 1949 (1949)
☆The Queen's Awards, Fifth Series (The Lady Killer and Other Stories) (1950)
☆The Queen's Awards, Sixth Series (The Enemy and and Other Stories) (1951)
☆The Queen's Awards, Seventh Series (The Lady Killer and Other Stories) (1952)
☆The Queen's Awards, Eighth Series (Born Killer and Other Stories) (1953)
☆Ellery Queen's Awards, Ninth Series (1954)
☆Ellery Queen's Awards, Tenth Series (1955)
☆Ellery Queen's Awards, Eleventh Series (1956)
☆Ellery Queen's Awards, Twelfth Series (1957)
☆Ellery Queen's Thirteenth Annual (1958)
☆Ellery Queen's 14th Mystery Annual (1959)
☆Ellery Queen's 15th Mystery Annual (1960)
☆Ellery Queen's 16th Mystery Annual (1961)
☆To Be Read Before Midnight (1962)
☆Ellery Queen's Mystery Mix#18 (1963)
☆Ellery Queen's Double Dozen (1964)
☆Ellery Queen's 20th Anniversary Annual (1965)
☆Ellery Queen's Crime Carousel (1966)
☆Ellery Queen's All-Star Lineup (1967)
☆Ellery Queen's Mystery Parade (1968)
☆Ellery Queen's Murder Menu (1969)
☆Ellery Queen's Grand Slam (1970)
☆Ellery Queen's Headliners (1971)
☆Ellery Queen's Mystery Bag (1972)
☆Ellery Queen's Crookbook (1974)
☆Ellery Queen's Murdercade (1975)
☆Ellery Queen's Crime Wave (1976)
☆Ellery Queen's Searches and Seizures (1977)
☆Ellery Queen's A Multitude of Sins (1978)
☆Ellery Queen's Circumstantial Evidence (1980)
☆Ellery Queen's Crime Cruise (1981)


☆The Golden 13: 13 First Prize Winners from Ellery Queen's Mystery Magazine (1971)


☆Ellery Queen's 1960 Anthology (1959)
☆Ellery Queen's 1961 Anthology (1960)
☆Ellery Queen's 1962 Anthology (1961)
☆Ellery Queen's 1963 Anthology (1962)
☆Ellery Queen's Anthology, 1963 Mid-Year Edition (1963)
☆Ellery Queen's 1964 Anthology (1963)
☆Ellery Queen's Anthology, 1964 Mid-Year Edition (1964)
☆Ellery Queen's 1965 Anthology (1964)
☆Ellery Queen's Anthology, 1965 Mid-Year Edition (1965)
☆Ellery Queen's 1966 Anthology (1965)
☆Ellery Queen's Anthology, 1966 Mid-Year Edition (1966)
☆Ellery Queen's 1967 Anthology (1966)
☆Ellery Queen's Anthology, 1967 Mid-Year Edition (1967)
☆Ellery Queen's 1968 Anthology (1967)
☆Ellery Queen's Anthology, 1968 Mid-Year Edition (1968)
☆Ellery Queen's 1969 Anthology (1968)
☆Ellery Queen's Anthology, 1969 Mid-Year Edition (1969)
☆Ellery Queen's 1970 Anthology (1969)
☆Ellery Queen's Anthology, 1970 Mid-Year Edition (1970)
☆Ellery Queen's 1971 Anthology (1970)
☆Ellery Queen's Anthology, Spring-Summer 1971 (1971)
☆Ellery Queen's Anthology, Fall-Winter 1971 (1971)
☆Ellery Queen's Anthology, Spring-Summer 1972 (1972)
☆Ellery Queen's Anthology, Fall-Winter 1972 (1972)
☆Ellery Queen's Anthology, Spring-Summer 1973 (1973)
☆Ellery Queen's Anthology, Fall-Winter 1973 (1973)
☆Ellery Queen's Christmas Hamper (1974)
☆Ellery Queen's Aces of Mystery (1975)
☆Ellery Queen's Master of Mystery (1975)
☆Ellery Queen's Giants of Mystery (1976)
☆Ellery Queen's Magicians of Mystery (1976)
☆Ellery Queen's Champions of Mystery (1977)
☆Ellery Queen's Faces of Mystery (1977)
☆Ellery Queen's Who's Who of Whodunits (1977)
☆Ellery Queen's Masks of Mystery (1977)
☆Ellery Queen's Napoleons of Mystery (1978)
☆Ellery Queen's The Supersleuths (1978)
☆Ellery Queen's Wings of Mystery (1979)
☆Ellery Queen's Scenes of the Crime (1979)
☆Ellery Queen's Veils of Mystery (1980)
☆Ellery Queen's Windows of Mystery (1981)
☆Ellery Queen's Doors to Mystery (1981)


☆Ellery Queen's 12 (1964)
☆Ellery Queen's Lethal Black Book (1965)
☆Ellery Queen's Murder-In Spades! (1969)
☆Ellery Queen's Shoot the Works! (1969)
☆Ellery Queen's Mystery Jackpot (1970)
☆Ellery Queen's Best Bets (1972)
☆Ellery Queen's Secrets of Mystery (1979)
☆Ellery Queen's Eyes of Mystery (1981)
☆Ellery Queen's Eyewitnesses (1981)
☆Ellery Queen's Maze of Mysteries (1982)


☆The Adventures of Sam Spade and Other Stories, by Dashiell Hammett (1944)
☆The Continental Op, by Dashiell Hammett (1945)
☆The Return of the Continental Op, by Dashiell Hammett (1945)
☆Hammett Homicides, by Dashiell Hammett (1946)
☆Dead Yellow Women, by Dashiell Hammett (1947)
☆Nightmare Town, by Dashiell Hammett (1948)
☆The Creeping Siamese, by Dashiell Hammett (1950)
☆Woman in the Dark, by Dashiell Hammett (1952)
☆A Man Named Thin and Other Stories, by Dashiell Hammett (1962)
☆The Riddles of Hildegarde Withers, by Stuart Palmer (1947)
☆Dr. Fell, Detective, and Other Stories, by John Dickson Carr (1947)
☆The Department of Dead Ends, by Roy Vickers (1947)
☆The Case Book of Mr. Campion, by Margery Allingham (1947)
☆Cops and Robbers, by O. Henry (1948)
☆The Monkey Murder and Other Hildegarde Wither Stories, by Stuart Palmer (1950)
☆The Case of the Murderer's Bride and Other Stories, By Erle Stanley Gardner (1969)
☆P As In Police, by Lawrence Treat (1970)
☆The Spy and the Thief, by Edward D. Hoch (1971)
☆Amateur in Violence, by Michael Gilbert (1973)
☆Kindly Dig Your Grave and Other Stories, by Stanley Ellin (1975)
☆How to Trap a Crook ad 12 Other Stories, by Julian Symons (1977)
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