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 作者:SenkiOda打开SenkiOda的博客  人气: 4431  发表于: 04年09月09日04点19分
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1976 《父之罪》 The Sins of the Fathers
1976 《在死亡之中》In the Midst of Dead
1977 《謀殺與創造之時》Time to Murder and Create
1981 《黑暗之刺》A Stab in the Dark
1982 《八百萬種死法》Eight Million Ways to Die
1986 《酒店關門之後》When the Sacred Ginmill Closes
1989 《刀鋒之先》Out of the Cutting Edge
1990 《到墳場的車票》A Ticket to the Boneyard
1991 《屠宰場之舞》A Dance at the Slaughterhouse
1992 《行過死蔭之地》A Walk Aong the Tombstones
1993 《惡魔預知死亡》The Devil Knows Your Dead
1994 《一長串的死者》A Long Line of Dead Man
1997 《向邪惡追索》 Even the Wicked
1998 《每個人都死了》 Everybody Dies
2001 《死亡的渴望》Hope to Die
1977 《別無選擇的賊》﹙Burglars Can't Be Choosers﹚
1978 《衣櫃裡的賊》﹙ The Burglar in the Closet﹚
1979 《喜歡引用吉卜齡的賊》﹙The Burglar Who Liked to Quote Kipling﹚
1980 《畫閱讀史賓諾莎的賊》﹙The Burglar Who Studied Spinoza﹚
1983 《畫風像蒙德里安的賊》﹙The Burglar Who Painted Like Mondrian﹚
1994 《把泰德威廉斯交易掉的賊》﹙The Burglar Who traded Ted Williams﹚
1995 《自以為是亨佛萊鮑嘉的賊》﹙The Burglar Who Thought He Was Bogart﹚
1997 《圖書館裡的賊》﹙The Burglar Who in the Library﹚
1999 《麥田賊手》﹙The Burglar Who in the Rye﹚
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